Backups are designed to rescue your system out of a possible data loss.
Think of backup data as a pair of extra keys into your house once you’ve lost the original. All you have to do is take the new set of keys and nothing really changes, except now you have to remain more vigilant about protecting your keys to avoid another embarrassing lockout.
But when you don’t have the keys, you either break-in, or you find a new place and lose your original belongings.
Hard drives also operate the same way. Should the original hard disk become corrupted beyond repair, your original data is lost. If you’ve encrypted the data and lost its key, the data will become unrecoverable. For people who have the power of hindsight, having a backup (or several copies of original files) can literally save their businesses.
Many businesses employ professional data backup solutions. If you’re still not sold out on investing in a comprehensive data backup solution, the following reasons might change your mind
Recover Deleted Files
It is entirely possible that you accidentally end up deleting the file from your hard drive, replacing the remaining data with other files. This basically means you have absolutely no chance of using recovery software to restore lost data. Not to mention the growing threat of users downloading viruses onto their computers which compromises data.
With a backup data solution in place, you take one ‘snapshot’ of your hard drive. In the event of a malfunction, hack or loss of data, all you have to do is recover data back from the snapshot you took when things were smooth sailing.
Audits and Taxes
Most businesses are now required to keep records for extended periods of time, often dating several years back. Whether this is due to regulations or taxes, failing to store this data could result in hefty fines and expensive legal battles in court. In such situations having only a single copy is a big mistake.
It is absolutely vital to have an offsite backup of critical information that could be used to save you should things go haywire in the future. Regulatory bodies such as the IRS won’t stand for excuses even if you have had a data disaster. For them, it’s just another reason to find you.
Avoid Downtimes
Studies have shown that a large percentage of businesses never recover from major data loss. It’s more convenient and cost-effective to just close shops for good than to spend countless hours trying to recover data that by now is just a string of 0s and 1s. It is only human to err, but in doing so you could end up sending the entire business crashing.
The simplest solution is to back up the data by using professional help from services such as ASA Computing. With several years in the field and comprehensive knowledge of data recovery, we know the ins and outs of data protection and data recovery. Visit our website to see how we can help your business.